Salvēte Discipulī!

Incipiāmus! (“let’s begin!”… do you see ‘incip’ in the word, like English “incipient”?)

Quid est scrinium (fortasse rōgās)? A scrinium was the box in which Romans stored their writing implements, as well as finished scrolls. Our scrinium will be a webspace for comments about activities in class, as well as news (about class and the study of the world of Classical antiquity). It will also host the course syllabus and handouts, links to digital resources, and more.

The site also has a few permanent features on the right: today’s date in the Roman calendar, a Latin proverb of the day, and world news in Latin.

Comments and announcements are welcome (magnō cum studiō). In time you’ll be posting material for all participant’s delectation and education.
