Translation of Her Majesty by the Beatles

Her Majesty’s a pretty nice girl
translation: regina ualde bona puella est

But she doesn’t have a lot to say
translation: sed non multas res dicit

Her Majesty’s a pretty nice girl
translation: regina ualde bona puella est

But she changes from day to day
translation: sed in dies commutat

I want to tell her that I love her a lot
translation: cupio ei narrare. eam nimis amare.

But I gotta get a bellyful of wine
translation: sec nunc vinum bibendum est.

Her Majesty’s a pretty nice girl
translation: regina ualde bona puella est

Someday I’m going to make her mine, oh yeah,
translation: in quodam die, eam habebo. O!

Someday I’m going to make her mine.
translation: in quodam die, eam habebo.



The following is the pdf version of translation.
