Very Hungry Caterpillar – Sophie

In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf.

One Sunday morning the warm sun came up… 

and POP, out of the egg came a tiny, very hungry caterpillar. 

He started looking for some food. 

On Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry. 

On Tuesday he ate through two pears, but he was still hungry. 

On Wednesday he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry. 

On Thursday he ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry. 

On Friday he ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry. 

On Saturday he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, 

One ice-cream cone, 

One pickle, 

One slice of Swiss cheese,

One slice of salami, 

One lollipop, 

One piece of cherry pie, 

One sausage, 

One cupcake, 

And one slice of watermelon. 

That night he had a stomach ache! 

The next day was Sunday again. 

The caterpillar ate through one ice leaf, and after that he felt better. 

Now he wasn’t hungry anymore–and he wasn’t a little caterpillar anymore.  

He was a big fat caterpillar. 

He built a small house, 

Called a cocoon,  Around himself. 

He stayed inside for more than two weeks. 

Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out and… 

He became a beautiful butterfly!


In lūmine lūnae parvum ovum in foliō cūbat.

Quodam diē solis māne calidus sōl surrēxit…

Et POP, pusillus ieiunissimus campē ex ovō vēnit.

Nonnullum cibum incēpit quaerere.

Diē lunae per ūnum pomum edit. Sed etiam ieiunus fuit.

Diē martis per duo pira edit. Sed etiam ieiunus fuit.

Diē mercurii per tria pruna edit. Sed etiam ieiunus fuit.

Diē iovis per quattuor fragōs edit. Sed etiam ieiunus fuit.

Diē veneris per quinque aranciōs edit. Sed etiam ieiunus fuit.

Diē saturnī per unam partem socolatae placentae edit,

ūnum cramum gelidum,

ūnum salsamentum,

Unam partem Helveticī caseī,

unam partem pulmenti,

ūnum sulgitorium,

unam partem cerasi tortae,

ūnum pulmentum,

ūnum parvum placentam,

Et unam partem melopeponos.

Noctū dolor ventrem habuit!

Postrīdiē iterum solis erat.

Campē per ūnum bello folio edit, et postquam sensit melior.

Nunc erat ieiunus non iam– et erat parvus campē non iam.

Magnus crassus campē erat.

Parvum aedem instruxit,

Domum nomine “bombylium” circā sē.

Intrā plusquam duōs hebdomadēs mansit.

Deinde in bombyliō bombylium adrosit, sē extrusit et…

Pulcher papilio fīeret!