Actum: Nobuo Uematsu – One-Winged Angel Latin Translation into English

Latin: English

Estuans interius – The more burning,

Ira vehementi -violent anger inside

Estuans interius – The more burning,

Ira vehementi -violent anger inside




Estuans interius – The more burning,

Ira vehementi -violent anger inside

Estuans interius – The more burning,

Ira vehementi -violent anger inside



Sors immanis – Frightening,

Et inanis – and monstrous fate

Sors immanis – Frightening,

Et inanis – and monstrous fate

Estuans interius – The more burning,

Ira vehementi -violent anger inside

Estuans interius – The more burning,

Ira vehementi -violent anger inside



Veni, veni, venias – Come, come, you must come

Ne me mori facias – You must not let me die

Veni, veni, venias – Come, come, you must come

Ne me mori facias – You must not let me die

Veni, veni, venias – Come, come, you must come

Ne me mori facias – You must not let me die

Veni, veni, venias – Come, come, you must come

Ne me mori facias – You must not let me die

(Gloriosa, Generosa – (Glorious, generous

Gloriosa, Generosa) – Glorious, generous)

Veni, veni, venias – Come, come, you must come

Ne me mori facias – You must not let me die

Veni, veni, venias – Come, come, you must come

Ne me mori facias – You must not let me die

(Gloriosa, Generosa – (Glorious, generous

Gloriosa, Generosa) – Glorious, generous)


