
word choice: uer(ver)

uer(ver) usually means the season Spring in Latin. It can also mean production of Spring or youth. It is the 2232nd frequent word in Latin. The word originates from Proto-italic word wezor. The usage of the word is quite direct. Latin authors used this word to represent Spring or youth.

The below are two quotations with the word:

1.Iuppiter antiqui contraxit tempora veris perque hiemes aestusque et inaequalis autumnos et breve ver spatiis exegit quattuor annum.     Ovid, Metamorphoses periculum non timeret proposita invidia, morte, poena qui nihilo segnius rem publicam defendit, is vir vereputandus est. Cicero, pro Milone

The below picture is a representation of Spring (I have tried to find an ancient inscription with the word uer(ver))