Deep-dive: Ver

Ver usually mean the spring, as well as nowadays, it could also be used to express the beginning, the productions of spring and the spring-time of life, youth. It was not quite frequently used and most of its usages preserve till today.


Praetereacur vere rosam , frumenta calore , vites autumno fundi suadente videmus , si non , certa suo quia temporesemina rerum…  Lucretius, De Rerum Natura

.sub Iove mundus erat , subiit argentea proles , auro deterior , fulvo pretiosior aere . Iuppiter antiquicontraxit tempora veris perque hiemes aestusque et inaequalis autumnos et breve ver spatiis exegit quattuorannum . Tum primum siccis aer fervoribus ustus…  Ovid, Metamorphoses