Translation of “Maggie Mae” by the Beatles

Translation of “Maggie Mae”



Oh dirty Maggie Mae they have taken her away
And she never walk down Lime Street any more
Oh the judge he guilty found her
For robbing a homeward bounder
That dirty no good robbin’ Maggie Mae
To the port of Liverpool
They returned me to
Two pounds ten a week, that was my pay



O sordida Maggie Mae, istam abstūlērunt

et numquam dē Viā Calcis dēambulat

O, iūdex eam conperit

diripiendī quī rediit domum uanidīcī 

ista sordida malaque Maggie Mae

illī mē ad portum Liverpoliī rediērunt

duo dēnāria et decem asses hebdōmade — istud fuit mercēs mea